Niche, Curated, Custom Experience in Shanghai - How I Helped a Solo Traveler Discover the Real Shanghai

Jing'an Area

When a client reaches out to me for China Trip Planning, I see it as more than just an itinerary – it’s a partnership and collaboration to create an unforgettable journey. You may think I can copy and paste itineraries from one client to another - in fact, all trip plans I made are customised and unique to each party depending on their travelling style, energy levels, and transportation preferences and interests. Some clients had some must-haves even though the places no longer exist; some clients wanted something new and unique to the place they can’t experience anywhere; some are museum snobs, and some aren’t, while some demand the tour to be physically active!

I want to share the most recent client’s review of my service, which I treasure so much because it is genuine and paints a vivid picture of the experience I can offer. It’s like my trophy, much more worthwhile than a tip, to express her appreciation and recognition of my unique service.

Recently, I had the privilege of working with an inspiring solo traveller who wanted to explore Shanghai and its surrounding towns and cities. What followed was a ten-day journey that allowed her to experience the true essence of Shanghai. Here’s what she had to say about her experience (shared anonymously to respect her privacy):

If you want an unforgettable trip to Shanghai and its environs, you cannot do better than hiring Genie for your travel planning.

Travel to China is a testament to one’s grit because it’s not easy with all the language and tech issues that one must surmount. How about you take all the pain out of it and just let this trip planning wizard pave the way for you to actually enjoy China without the stress?

Genie is not a tour guide, she is a tour shaman, I like to say. She will curate the Shanghai that best aligns your interests while avoiding tourist traps and showing you the city as it is lived by its citizens while helping foment a love for this beautiful eclectic cosmopolitan megalopolis. The kind of love I developed for my home city after living in it for two decades, the kind that comes from discovering the special nooks and crannies and secret pathways and time-loved restaurants and hole-in-the-walls and hipster hangouts, those Genie showed me in Shanghai within 10 days.

If you like to be a traveler not a tourist, if you like to think about your place in the world and why people live the way they do and what could be different about life by immersing yourself in different environments, then this is the way you have to travel, with a guide who loves their city and wants to show it in all its beautiful, imperfect glory without having to Google everything (which you can’t anyways, because, well, China). This trip made me want to come back again and again.

On a practical level, the arrangement works pretty seamlessly. You send out an inquiry, and Genie responds incredibly fast to all communication. She will set up a video chat during which she took the time to understand what I wanted out of my travels (and I’ll be honest I didn’t have a great idea but the conversation flowed so well it just started to take shape right then and there).

She designed a beautiful travel itinerary using an easy-to-navigate platform. And she provided resources that I might turn to. Genie was like the personal assistant, making sure everything was seamless behind the scenes (hotel staff don’t speak English and don’t know how to arrange your itinerary? No worries, Genie’s got it covered! Can’t book an event because your international card won’t go through and everything’s in Chinese? No worries, Genie will either walk you through it if you’re intrepid or take care of it for you if you’d rather spend your time seeing the sights).

When she accompanied me through some of the city’s neighborhoods, she gave me insight into the lives of Shanghainese and expats and migrants that I would not have known otherwise.

She’s a wonderful conversationalist. As a solo traveler, she is also keenly attuned to the needs of solo travelers and helps you become a better traveler yourself. If you’re willing to spend on traveling to experience something unforgettable, then Genie’s your guide.
— Anonymous

Bringing Shanghai to Life

Reading this client’s review fills me with joy (I read it almost a hundred times) because it perfectly describes what I aim to achieve with travelers who choose to work with me. Planning her trip to China was more than just arranging logistics; it was about diving deep into her interests, creating a personalized experience, and ensuring she felt truly connected to the city. For example, she mentioned that she watched some CDrama based in Shanghai. I was able to show her where those locations were from the drama.

From exploring hidden gems and vibrant local spots to ensuring seamless communication and arrangements, it was about making the journey stress-free and maximising the best experience and managing her expectations.

Colombia Circle

Curating a Personal Experience

As she mentioned, one of the highlights of our collaboration was our early conversation on how to shape her travel itinerary. She wasn’t entirely sure what she wanted, but through open dialogue, we were able to craft a unique itinerary that captured the spirit of Shanghai—not just as a tourist destination but as a lived-in, breathing city. I love when clients are curious about not just seeing sights but understanding the culture and way of life. That’s where my passion comes alive – showcasing Shanghai in all its complexity, whether it's through old local places, historic neighborhoods, or contemporary art district and futuristic financial CBD in Shanghai

Seamless Travel for Solo Travelers

Being a solo traveler can come with its challenges, especially in a place where language and tech barriers exist. My client highlighted how I worked behind the scenes to remove those stress points – from helping her navigate hotel arrangements to overcoming hurdles like booking events in China’s unique digital systems, train ticket rebooking and changes. As a solo traveler myself, I understand these concerns firsthand, and my goal is always to empower my clients to feel confident and safe while enjoying their travels.

Building a Personal Connection

One of my favorite parts of this journey was accompanying her through some of Shanghai’s lesser-known neighborhoods and sharing insights into local life – from the perspectives of lifelong Shanghainese, expats, and migrants who shape the city’s ever-evolving identity. It's the human connection that can often be missing in travel, but it’s the key to truly appreciating a place. As I also believe that “The best trips are made of good people.”


I am deeply grateful for this client’s kind words and for allowing me to be part of her incredible journey in Shanghai. As she mentioned, traveling isn’t just about checking off sites; it’s about immersing yourself in the culture, discovering the hidden gems, and connecting with the locale of a city. That’s what I aim to offer with every trip I plan.

If you’re a solo traveler – or any traveler – looking to explore Shanghai or other destinations in a way that goes beyond the usual tourist route, I’d love to help make your experience unforgettable. Just drop me an email

Disclaimer: Images are for illustration only and do not depict the client who wrote this review.


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